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笔趣阁 > 精灵王战纪 > 星辰魅影



第二十二章 goddess tomorrowMermaid give human a lot of freedom and happiness!!!!!It's all my credit!!!hey!Mermaid talk :This earth is not the home of human being!!!!!This is the common home of all living things on earth!!!!!These include animals, mermaids, elves and plants!!!!!!I didn't expect that the Genius kingWang Dongdong summoned the legendary three powers of light!!!!!what!!!The power of light!Yeah!Genius king power and happinessgoddess powerand All stars precure power!!!!!this is the world most powerful power of light!!!!!sure!genius king On behalf of hope !precure Represents the dream happiness goddess Represents the future and the guardian!!!!!but !Genius king dongdong It represents life and dream, as well as guard and future and courage!!!!!what!Genius king dongdong!Give it to me! my:never! Don’t give to me! Mysterious woman:all right! It's going to make you suffer! Watch the move !oh Oh, My God! Goddess darkness flower splash!goddess darkness beam splash !my: oh!It's over!NO!!!over!!!This will be your end! Stop it! goddess tomorrow shield!!!!!the power don’t give to me!this is save life ’s power!!!!!don’t is dark power!注:本章讲精灵王之力以及精灵王之力的来源和以及其代表的正能量,并为明日女神和神秘的黑暗女神的出场和之间的战斗和对话进行了全方面的详细铺垫,以此来说明力量不可以滥用!当我们拥有了强大的力量时候你会如何抉择!精灵王的力量是不可滥用!否则将会造成全宇宙的大量的战争和生灵涂炭!!!!!并以此内容说明了我们精灵王的英雄形象和对生命的看法以及对伤害其他生命和亵渎其他生命的行为的痛恨!因为想用新的故事带给读者新的内容和对生命的新的理解!故此给读者们造成了些许的不便!如有不当之处!请多多谅解!!!!!
