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心理历程 30


Time follows the fleeting years, tossing and turning in the four seasons, the years have sad and happy memories, but also have no sad and happy peace. Life is like a reverse journey, through a journey of wind and rain, through a bumpy road, will eventually be in earnest, hope meaningful, heart sunshine, see the most beautiful scenery and meet the best of their own. Walking in the world of mortals, wandering between the paths of time, perhaps the best gesture of life is to keep the warmth of sunshine in my heart forever, and see the beauty everywhere in the scenery along the way, with sincere love, in the light ink rendering, adapting to all kinds of ordinary and miscellaneous life, in the appropriate shade of life and life, neither sad nor happy, quiet and far-reaching.Mr. Liang Shih-chiu said, "Life is just a journey that comes and goes. Life is full of joys and sorrows, and life is full of bitterness and sweetness.". The most important thing for us is not to care about truth and falsehood, gain and loss, fame and wealth, noble and humble, rich and poor, but how to live happily and find the poetry of life from it.Time flies like water, in the silent passage, there are deprivation and gifts, joy and sadness. With sunshine in mind, in the long river of life, learn to be kind to yourself, be kind to life, be a contented person, stable and free; be a person with warmth in his heart and scenery in his eyes, do not complain about all encounters; be an optimistic person, know how to let nature take its course, can go against the current, take things as they come; be a simple and happy person, live an ordinary and ordinary life every day.Between the shallow joy and deep love of life, infiltrate the time with the steadfastness of life, precipitate the joys and sorrows of human fireworks and the ups and downs, act according to the heart, wait sincerely, look back at the old and new times at the right time, dare to look out, have a touch of warmth in mind, clean up the haze of the past, keep the present world quiet, stick to love, but not paranoid; Adhere to the practice, but not aggressive, so that life is moderate, rational life, emotional life."The most regrettable thing in life is to easily give up what should not be given up and stubbornly insist on what should not be insisted on," Mo Yan once said in "Late Mature Man". Sunshine in the heart, let the common scenery in the eyes, have a tranquil and quiet heart, to understand life, to understand themselves, let the scenery bathe in the sunshine, stay in the heart, nourish a kind and bright heart in the human fireworks, peaceful in life, undisturbed in the years, sober in the world, more knowledge of vegetation, less knowledge of people, always keep a quiet, warm, shining heart, insight into the world is worth it.时光跟随流年,在四季中辗转,岁月有悲喜的记忆亦有无悲无喜的安宁。人生如逆旅,穿越一程风雨,踏过一路坎坷,终将在笃行不怠,希望隽永中,心存阳光,见到最美的风景和遇见最好的自己。行走世间红尘,徜徉时间的阡陌之间,或许生命最好的姿态就是,让心中永存阳光般的温暖,眼里看到的永远是沿途风景中的那一处处美好,带着由衷的热爱,在淡墨渲染中,适应着生活中的各种平凡和芜杂,在生命与生活的浓淡相宜里,不悲不喜,宁静致远。梁实秋先生说:“人生,不过是一段来了又走的旅程,有喜有悲才是人生,有苦有甜才是生活。我们最重要的不是去计较真与伪,得与失,名与利,贵与贱,富与贫,而是如何好好地快乐度日,并从中发现生活的诗意。”


