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后记 Poscritto


当落下最后一笔,写下The End,我的感想颇多。此文在做预稿时,前五十章最早发布在脸书上,随后分别被各种网站转载。由于我从不写大纲,大纲这类东西只会将自己框死,往往写到最后,将与最初的架构完全是两回事。因此,我的头脑中,只有一个开始,以及一个终局。至于各种副本情节,全凭个人情绪所决定。尽管,这是一本没有主角的小说,书中所有人都是主角。但黄金之骰此书的主角,当仁不让属于林锐,也就是吕库古小姐,其身份是一位出身于意大利南部拿不勒斯的华裔。所以我觉得这大概也能算是中国人的故事吧,故而选择发布在中文平台。鉴于各种遗憾,无法与平台签约,所以我深知它不会被许多人看见,但依旧倾注全部心力去尽可能完善它,甚至为它画插画填音乐。只因我便是小说里常提到的那种人-无欲之人。Undesirer,顾名思义,便是没有欲望之人,对什么都毫无兴趣,既不追求金钱也不追求名望,只爱做自己喜欢之事。在这种奇怪动力促使下,我觉得写完她将会特别有趣。随着章节不断增多,各国各地的转载也很多,(当然我全都不在乎。)分别被分类进科幻灵异、灵异鬼故事、爱情、侦探、都市言情、其他类型,未分类,甚至还有归类在腐文、纯爱小说、女生小说之中的。我正如自己创造的吕库古小姐那样,时常暗暗偷笑。其实没有那么复杂,这本小说就是全类型小说,各种题材都涉及到,归根纳底所想表达的含义就几个:珍惜当下,珍惜每一个与你萍水相逢之人,纵然你再普通,只要满怀赤诚,那么你将由一个人变为两个人,两个人变为四个人,四个再变八个,无穷无尽,便是如此。在写此书时,我被问到最多的问题是,你正传也只写到第三部开头,干嘛调转回去写前传?其实,这恰恰是写第三部书时所遇见的苦恼。因为亡者之路所讲述的,是一个时空与遗憾的庞大故事,正传中林锐与Alex是以旧友重逢开始故事起源的,而对他们如何相识,以及最初的十年却只字未提。因此,第三部将会牵涉进大量前传人物,与其每一个都做相应介绍,都解释一遍由来,会显得缩手缩脚,看的人也会云里雾里。因此,才决定返过头去写前传,另开新的系列。如此一来,便可完美诠释正传第一部的开头种种悬念。有时无聊,或者蹲厕所,我会去翻翻书,但大致看的都是古籍文史类,基本保持着很少读书这个习惯。如果看太多,容易受别人影响,这样便会缺乏主见,跟着就无法创新,最终绘制不了原汁原味属于自己的东西。总之,还是看了一些,大致发现一个特征。那就是书中的主角,所追求的都是越来越强,我难以理解,这样岂不是会很累吗?人的成长过程,必然如同一个社会,从最初到鼎盛,再从鼎盛到衰败,生命莫不如此。所以,我产生了一个灵感。为什么就不能写一本,主角越来越弱的小说?或者主角自开场就属于鼎盛期,黄金期,随后因各种原因变得越来越弱。而对手却呈几何级别越来越强,那样不知会不会很有趣呢?与别人不同,我很适合写这类悬念惊悚题材,而且越写思路越广。黄金之骰早已与我最初的设定产生了天壤地别,尽管结局仍是一样,但多了许多新人物与可歌可泣的悲壮。吕库古小姐虽然是个倾国倾城的大美女,但绝不柔弱,或者说她是个浑身充满血腥的女人更为合适。我想,每个人,特别是男孩们,心中都会有一个自我拟定的完美恋人,她只存在于梦想,却与真实相距甚远。由此,她便是这么产生的,甚至在初稿中,我并未计算过这么个人物。而当进入雷音瓮篇,我自己陷入了绝望,这两厢选择我究竟该让谁活下来?到底是小苍兰,还是吕库古小姐?为此我发过投票,结果大多数都希望还是交由作者自己决定为好。原本我是计划每部书大约写一百二十章完结,因为黄金之骰是第一部书,所以为了定格调和讲述完整,我的完稿是写到了一百四十章。但很明显,之后还是超越了十章。其实这部分内容,完全就是第二部书的开始,但也无妨了。由着这个终章,其实已经指明了第二部书秘银纹章(暂定名 水晶银湖镇或者谢菲尔娜鬼镇)的走向。理论上讲,已经被一些特别聪明的网友猜到将会怎么演。但我仍将做些尝试,会令你们很失望。对不起,我特别在乎网友们毒辣的眼光。通常读悬疑惊悚题材的人,脑子都特别好使,尽管不少人会说,咱就是无聊图个乐什么的,但万一有十分较真的网友呢?万一有那种特别爱挑刺,会前后对照找纰漏的认真之人呢?因此,决不可松懈。打拿起笔开始这个新的系列,不知不觉已过了一年,虽然故事只发生在四天之内,却耗费了网友极大耐心,本人深感遗憾。我尽可能做到所挖的所有坑,都在一本书内填完,如此也算我巧设心机,更是对人们的负责。写书不易,枯燥辛劳,需要每天去见见阳光,与自然打个招呼。这个故事将很长,也许会陪伴你十年甚至更久,我也希望书中人物能成为大家的朋友,一起成长,一起去面对困苦艰难。那么,吕库古公馆的迷雾已彻底揭晓,下一回,就让我们进入更大的空间,前往斯蒂文.金,洛夫克拉夫特的故乡缅因州,一起去揭开美国四大鬼宅排名第二的肖恩.费欧娜的故乡,水晶银湖镇,一座不是因为资源挖完,水利改道,交通不便等诸多原因,而完完全全因为闹鬼而早在1973年便被荒弃的小镇。届时将有更多新人物登场,已知的蜜蜂和蜂鸟,弥利耶,自由宪兵,世界之子,善良公羊,圣维塔莱等等,暗世界与泛世界以及极暗世界的血腥斗争也将更加残酷。来吧,我的朋友们,整装待发,让我们前往下一站,缅因州!PoscrittoAs I stop typing and The End was written, I had a lot of feelings. When this article was in pre-draft, the first fifty chapters were first posted on Meta and were then reprinted on various websites. Since I never write outlines, they only frame me, and often by the end of the article, it will be completely different from the initial structure. So, Actually in my mind, there is only a beginning, and an ending. As for the various subplots, it all depends on personal emotions.Although, this is a novel without a protagonist, everyone in the book is the protagonist. But the protagonist of the book, the Golden Dice, belongs to Holeethmen, that is, Young Lady Lycurgus, whose identity is a Chinese from Naples in southern Italia. So I think this can probably be considered a Chinese oldschool story, so I put in to publish it on the Chinese Net.I knew it wouldn't be seen by many people, but I still put all my effort into improving it as much as possible, even illustrating it and filling it with music. Because I am the kind of person often mentioned in novels - Undesirer.Undesirer, as the name implies, is a person who has no desire, who has no interest in anything, who does not seek either money or fame, but only loves to do what he likes. With this strange motivation, I thought it would be particularly interesting to finish writing her.As the number of chapters grew, so did the number of reprints from all over the world (cause I don't care about any of them.) The chapters were classified into science fiction, ghost stories, romance, detective, urban romance, other genres, uncategorized, and even categorized into corruption, pure love novels, and girls' novels. I am just like my own creation, Young Lady Lycurgus, from time to time laughing like her. Actually, it is not that complicated, this novel is a full genre plot, all kinds of topics are involved, In mine word: cherish this moment, cherish every buds you meet, even if you are ordinary, as long as full of sincerity, then you will change from one become two , two become four , four become eight, Blah~blah~blah,endless, That's it.When writing this book, Someone asked me, "Why did you turn around and write a prequel when you only got to the beginning of the third part of the main biography? In fact, this is exactly the problem I encountered when writing the third book. Cause Destrouers Return is told U, is a huge story of time and space and regret, the main biography of Holeethmen and Alex is to reunite with old friends to start the origin of the story, but how they met, and the first ten years but not mentioned a word. Therefore, the third part will be involved in a large number of prequel characters, rather than each one of them are introduced accordingly, are explained once the origin, will hard to understand, reader will also be confused. so, it was decided to go back to write the prequel and start a new series. In this way, you can perfectly explain the first part of the main biography of all the suspense at the beginning.Sometimes bored, or get pee, I will go through the books, but generally read the ancient and history , basically maintain the habit of rarely reading this. If you read too much, easy to be influenced by others, so it will be a lack of initiative, followed by the inability to innovate, and ultimately can not draw the original flavor of their own things. Anyway, still read some, and roughly found a interestin’ phenomenon.That is, the book's protagonist, the pursuit of are getting stronger and stronger, I ain't understand why, so will not be very tired and Weird? The growth process of people, necessarily like a society, from the beginning to the heyday, and then from the heyday to decline, life is all same. So, I had an inspiration.Why can't I write a novel where the protagonist gets weaker and weaker? Or the protagonist belongs to the heyday since the beginning, the golden age, and then for various reasons become weaker and weaker. And the opponents are getting stronger and stronger in geometric levels, so I wonder if that would be very interesting?I am different, I am good at suspense and horror themes, and the more I write, the broader my ideas become. Golden Dice has long been a world away from my original setting, although the ending is still the same, but there are many new characters and sobbing tragedy. Although Young Lady Lycurgus is a beautiful girl, but never weakness, Frankly she is a strong girl on the blood. I think that everyone, especially boys, there will be a self-drawn perfect honey, she only exists in the dreamland, but far away from the real. This is how she was created, even in the first draft, I ain't create this character..And when entering the Storm Jar, I myself fell into despair, the two girls to choose who I should let her live,or die? Is it Freesia, or Young Lady Lycurgus? I sent out a poll for this, and most of them wanted to leave it to the author to decide for myself.Originally I was planning to write about one hundred and twenty chapters to finish each book, because the Golden Dice is the first book, so in order to set the tone and complete the story, my finished draft was written to one hundred and forty chapters. But obviously, after that, it still exceeded ten chapters. But doesn't matter, this part of the content, is completely the beginning of the second book, but it does not matter.By this final chapter, Actually, has indicated the direction of the second book Secret Silver Medallion (tentative name Crystal Silver Lake town or Shawn.Phiona ghost town). frankly, it has been guessed by your guys clever netizens how it will play out. But I'm still going to try something that will disappoint you. Excuse me, I'm great importance about the picky guy. Usually some wise dude who read suspense thrillers have a good head on their shoulders, and although many people will say, "We're just bored for fun" or whatever, what if there are some very serious guys? What if there are those who are particularly prickly and will look for mistakes before and after the serious guy? Therefore, I ain't quit.When I  start this new series, I did not realize that a year has passed, although the story only happened in four days, but took a lot of patience of the trouble guys, I will say pretty sorry. I tried my best to fill all the holes I dug in one book, so that I can also use creativity, but also to people's responsibility. It's not easy to write a book, it's boring and hard work, you need to go to see the sun every day and say hello to nature. The story will be long, maybe ten years or more, and I hope that the characters in the book will become your friends, grow up together, and face hardships together.So, the fog of Lycurgus Mansion has been completely revealed, next time, let's enter a bigger space and go to Stephen. King, Lovecraft's homeland in Maine, together to uncover the second of the four major haunted houses in the United States, Shawn .Phiona's hometown, Crystal Silver Lake, a town that was abandoned as early as 1973, not because of resource extraction, water diversion, traffic and many other reasons, but entirely because of the haunting.There will be more new characters, Known the brid and the bee, Meleeyet, free group, son of the world,Learned goat,san-Vitale,etc.and the bloody struggle between the Dark World and the Pan World and the deep World will be even more brutal.Come on, Your guys, My dear friend,gear up and let's go to the next stop, Maine!3:59 S
